Antarian Rangers (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Star Wars X-Wing Wrath Squadron


The Antarian Rangers were a paramilitary force established around 620 BBY to assist the Jedi Order. This unique organization of non-Force-users were unlike many citizens of the galaxy in the sense that they did not fear the power of the Jedi. Instead, they actively sought to assist them whenever possible and dedicated their lives to serve as support troops for the Jedi Order. Their duties ranged from being deployed for reconnaissance duty to covert operations that was designed to make the work of a Jedi easier to conduct. This also meant that, at times, they were tasked to do tasks that were considered "dirty work". The Rangers consisted of various different branches with its members constantly preparing for their service to the Jedi. The organization served as a natural point where those without Force talent had a way of fulfilling their dreams of connecting to the Force by serving the Jedi cause. Despite this being the case, the life of a Ranger was not an easy path and only the most dedicated of beings as well as the most fit for the position thrived within the organization. As such, very few members actually coveted the rank of Ranger and most actually became support personnel for this elite body within the group.

Complete list

Antarian Ranger
SWM Jedi Academy
Antarian Ranger

Last updated: 31.01.2021 18:01:58